Merge Conflict
Join Frank & James for a weekly discussion on the world of technology and development including C#, F#, .NET, web, mobile, and more.
We found 10 episodes of Merge Conflict with the tag “f#”.
190: The Creation of Appstat with Frank
February 24th, 2020 | 46 mins 15 secs
android, app store, appstat, f#, ios, mac, xamarin, xamarin.forms
Frank decided to do his holiday hack in mid-February and build an entire app in a weekend. What is it? What was his inspiration? How did he build it? How is he distributing and promoting it? We discuss on this weeks pod.
178: Building C# with Mads Torgersen
December 2nd, 2019 | 49 mins 5 secs
android, c#, csharp, f#, ios, microsoft, xamarin
James sits down with the legendary Mads Torgersen to talk about how the team at Microsoft builds C# and works with the community to plan out and iterate on new features.
170: 10 Ways To Develop Faster And Better
October 7th, 2019 | 41 mins 28 secs
accessibility, android, duo, f#, ios, neo, silly, staying positive, surface, xamarin
Hold on to your seats, because it is time for lighting topics! Surface announcements, state of F#, election update, accessibility, Google silliness, and how to stay positive.
169: A Love Letter To Immutable Data
September 30th, 2019 | 50 mins 35 secs
android, conference, f#, ios, mac, updates, visual studio, visual studio 2019, xamarin, xamarin.forms
Frank is headed off to the Open F# conference where he will be giving a talk entitled "Why I wish I wrote my app in F#" and he gives us a sneak peek at what everyone is in store for.
114: Clean Code Styling
September 10th, 2018 | 36 mins 46 secs
c#, clean code, dot-net, editorconfig, f#, ios, stylecop, styles, xamarin
It is time to clean up that code! We aren't talking "Clean Code", instead we are talking about tools that help you and contributors keep standard conventions, naming, and styles across any IDE!
Merge Conflict 88: Getting Hip to F#
March 12th, 2018 | 51 mins 40 secs
android, dot-net, dot-net standard, f#, frp, functional, ios, reactive, uwp, xamarin
It is that time of year to sit down and analyze F# and how absolutely awesome it is! Frank and James talk through some features that make it a delightful programming language.
Merge Conflict 85: All I Want To Do Is Multi-Target
February 19th, 2018 | 42 mins 48 secs
.net standard, android, core, c#, code sharing, dot net standard, f#, ios, macos, multi-targeting, uwp, visual studio, visual studio for mac, xamarin, xamarin.forms
It is 2018 and we are so over Linked Files, Portable Class Libraries, and Shared Projects cluttering up our libraries. In fact we only need ONE project to target every platform that .NET supports. It is time to multi-target the world!
Merge Conflict 80: It's Your Fault We Couldn't Name This Episode
January 15th, 2018 | 40 mins 1 sec
.net standard, android, business, c#, css, don syme, f#, ios, llc, performance, technology, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We are not lawyers! However, we both have our own LLCs. We explain why on this lightning talk week and also tackle your questions around performance, .NET Standard, CSS in Xamarin.Forms, and technologies we think are worth investing in.
Merge Conflict 47: You Got Some F# in My C#
May 29th, 2017 | 54 mins
.net, android, c#, c# 7, f#, ios, language, pattern matching, tuples, visual studio, windows, xamarin
C# 7 is here! The most functional version of C# to date. This week we break down every single new feature and let you know what we love and what we think is just okay.
Merge Conflict 5: Programming Languages: Gotta Collect 'em All
August 8th, 2016 | 32 mins 38 secs
c#, f#, go, learning, programming languages
C# and F# and Go! Oh my! There are just so many lovely programming languages to learn, but where to start? This week we take a look at what worked for us and what didn’t.