Merge Conflict
Join Frank & James for a weekly discussion on the world of technology and development including C#, F#, .NET, web, mobile, and more.
We found 10 episodes of Merge Conflict with the tag “windows”.
189: Enter the era of dual-screen development
February 17th, 2020 | 43 mins 32 secs
android, duo, ios, neo, surface, uwp, windows, windows 10x, xamarin
It is all things dual-screen with Windows 10x, Surface Neo, and Surface Duo. We take a look at some of the awesome announcements from the last week and what it means for Xamarin developers.
150: We Have Lift Off
May 20th, 2019 | 46 mins 18 secs
android, career, di, hype, ios, windows, xamarin
The lighting talk topics tradition is alive! We are answering your questions and commenting on your topics! 8 of them in total including how to keep up with Android, how we met, UI testing, figuring out if dependency injection really is hype, and how to land a job without a CS degree.
125: Getting Fancy With Bluetooth Low Energy
November 26th, 2018 | 49 mins 58 secs
android, apis, ble, bluetooth, corebluetooth, hacking, ios, windows, xamarin
Bluetooth is everywhere! What is Bluetooth Low Energy? Why does it matter for mobile devices and IoT devices and what can you do with it? We cover all of this and so much more!
Merge Conflict 99: Inclusive App Design & Seeing AI with Saqib Shaikh
May 28th, 2018 | 39 mins 17 secs
accessibility, android, apps, brail, inclusive, inclusive design, ios, seeing ai, touch, uwp, visual studio, windows, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We got to sit down with the legendary Saqib Shaikh, Team lead for Seeing AI, to talk about creating inclusive software for everyone. Saqib also shared insights into how Seeing AI was created and where it is going next.
Merge Conflict 76: We Can't Solve Everyone's Problem
December 18th, 2017 | 46 mins 4 secs
android,, c# 7.2, cache, data caching, database, ios, monkey, monkeycache, offline, ooui, windows, xamarin, xamarin.forms
When having SQLite isn't enough for James he has to go and try to solve offline data caching again with Monkey Cache. We discuss why this open source library happened, where it is going, what are best practices for data caching, and so much more.
Merge Conflict 68: Throw Some XAML In It
October 23rd, 2017 | 38 mins 39 secs
android, architecture, cross platform, ios, react native, ui, windows, xamarin, xamarin.forms, xaml
We know how to share our business logic between our applications, but what about some of the user interface. We aren't talking Xamarin.Forms, we are talking cross platform views in native iOS, Android, and Windows apps. What type of architecture is needed and what technologies enable us to do this?
Merge Conflict 61: Getting to the Core of ARCore
September 4th, 2017 | 37 mins 40 secs
android, arcore, arkit, augmented reality, ios, light estimation, motion tracking, uwp, virtual reality, vr, windows, xamarin
We just can't get enough of augmented reality and the awesome new SDKs that are being created for developers to use. This week we discuss Google's attempt for Android and web developers with ARCore.
Merge Conflict 52: Bug Fixes and Improvements
July 3rd, 2017 | 47 mins 35 secs
.net standard, android, app store, code coverage, google play, ios, updates, user feedback, windows, xamarin
Will Frank ever update his apps in the app store? When, how, and what should go into that super important app update that your users are expecting? We investigate what has changed for us and the app stores in the last year.
Merge Conflict 48: Frank Mocks Interfaces
June 5th, 2017 | 37 mins 46 secs
.net, android, api design, architecture, c#, design time, ios, repl, sketch, windows, xamarin, xamarin live player
To create design time data or not to create design time data, that is the question? Or is it better to mock out all of your interfaces or say heck let's code straight to the API end points? We tackle these tough questions.
Merge Conflict 47: You Got Some F# in My C#
May 29th, 2017 | 54 mins
.net, android, c#, c# 7, f#, ios, language, pattern matching, tuples, visual studio, windows, xamarin
C# 7 is here! The most functional version of C# to date. This week we break down every single new feature and let you know what we love and what we think is just okay.