Merge Conflict
Join Frank & James for a weekly discussion on the world of technology and development including C#, F#, .NET, web, mobile, and more.
About the show
Merge Conflict is a weekly discussion with Frank and James on all things development, technology, & more. After years of being friends, Frank and James finally decided to sit down and start a podcast about their lives as mobile developers using C#, Xamarin, and .NET MAUI. Much more than just another mobile development podcast, Merge Conflict, reaches all areas of development including desktop, server, and of course mobile. They also cover fun things happening in the world of technology and gaming and whatever else happens to be on Frank's and James' minds.
Merge Conflict on social media
111: The Three Equals of a Struct
August 20th, 2018 | 37 mins 49 secs
.net, .net core, android, c#, c# 7, equality, ios, operators, performance, struct, visual studio, xamarin
We get nerdy again diving deep into the world of struct equality and performance. Sit back and get ready for some operator overloading, IEquatable, performance implications, getting of hash code, amazing C# 7 features, and how ValueTuples save everything!
110: The Future of App Development
August 13th, 2018 | 43 mins 27 secs
android, app development, future, ios, memory, performance, uno, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We are back with lightning talks with topics submitted by our amazing listeners. We take a look into performance, cross-platform UWP XAML with Uno, deep dive into the world of Xamarin.Forms, and give our thoughts on the future of app development.
109: Neural Network C# Predictions for Everyone
August 6th, 2018 | 38 mins 42 secs
ai, android, coreml, ios, keras, machine learning, ml, neural network, plaidml, python, xamarin
It is that time again for more machine learning! This time it is actually something that you can totally build and something that Frank shipped inside of his application to do code prediction using Python, Keras, PlaidML, and CoreML!
108: .NET Standard Wants & Modernizing Win32 Apps
July 30th, 2018 | 43 mins 53 secs
desktop bridge, dot-net, dot-net standard, pipelines, porting, uwp, win32, xamarin
This week we have a quick followup on System.IO.Pipelines that leads into a deep discussion of what we want in .NET Standard vNext. We then investigate the motivation, optimizations, and reality of porting a Win32 Application to run inside of a UWP container for the Microsoft Store.
107: App-Centric vs Developer-Centric
July 23rd, 2018 | 31 mins 53 secs
app development, app-centeric, developer-center, ghost, ooui, performance, web development, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We tackle a listener submitted topic this week of how we make decisions between performance, frameworks, and convenience when building applications. It is an interesting question when choosing a framework or library and their trade-offs.
106: We Know Nothing About Anything
July 16th, 2018 | 39 mins 26 secs core, dot-net, dot-net core, ghost, gulp, handlebars, machine learning, ml,,, web development, xamarin
We get a little crazy this week and dive into three topics that we know almost nothing about. First up is a little web development for Ghost with gulp, handlebars, and sass. Then we dive into more machine learning with ML.NET and wrap up with our new favorite way to read in streams with Pipelines. To be honest, we do know something about them and think they are super cool, so you should check them out.
105: Marzipanifying Apps
July 9th, 2018 | 36 mins 33 secs
appkit, apple, development, ios, macos, marzipan, mojave, uikit, wwdc, xamarin
The time will soon be upon us that we can start shoving all of our UIKit based applications on to macOS! What a glorious day that will be once Apple opens up those APIs to developers... or perhaps that day is today with a few hacks! We discuss everything we love about Marzipan and the potential that it has on our applications, frameworks, and the industry.
104: Learning From Our Users
July 2nd, 2018 | 51 mins 38 secs
analytics, app center, crash reporting, devops, mobile, monitoring, vsts, xamarin
This week we are diving into one of the final parts of DevOps, which is continuous monitoring and learning about our apps and our users. Frank has gone all in on integrating crash reporting and analytics into his apps and we discuss his outcome.
103: .NET Everywhere with Miguel de Icaza
June 25th, 2018 | 42 mins 33 secs
android, console sharp, dotnet, future, ios, microsoft, miguel, mono, uwp, webasembly, xamarin, xamarin.forms
What more do we need to say? We sat down with Miguel de Icaza to pick his brainabout the past, present, and future of .NET. Miguel gives his insights into where the entire industry is moving and why GUI based console applications are so important. This is a legendary episode that you do not want to miss.
102: Mono.Cecil, Linker, and Unity Updates with Jb Evain
June 18th, 2018 | 45 mins 38 secs
android, core, game development, ios, linker, mono, mono.cecil, standard, summer of code, unity, uwp, xamarin, xamarin.forms
At Microsoft Build 2018 we sat down with the legendary Jb Evain. The man behind libraries and technologies we use every day including Mono.Cecil and the Mono linker itself. We discuss all this and his passion for creating the Visual Studio tools for Unity and everything new that Unity has to offer.
101: GitHub Acquired & WWDC 2018 Fully Recapped
June 11th, 2018 | 1 hr 5 mins
acquisition, android, apple, arkit, coreml, github, ios, ios 12, iphone, machine learning, metal, microsoft, tvos 12, uwp, watchos, wwdc, wwdc 2018, xamarin, xamarin.forms
What a way to start June! GitHub was officially acquired by Microsoft and Apple started off it's developer conference by announcing tons of great new software updates and developer APIs. We break down each and every juicy bit.
100: Rambling Our Way Through 100 Episodes
June 4th, 2018 | 1 hr 5 mins
100, android, how it all started, ios, merge conflict, podcast, thank you, uwp, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We did it! 100 episodes of Merge Conflict! Somehow with your support Frank and James rambled their way through nearly two years of podcasting. We celebrate with questions from our listeners, some inside info on the podcast, chit-chat about how we started, and a contest!
Merge Conflict 99: Inclusive App Design & Seeing AI with Saqib Shaikh
May 28th, 2018 | 39 mins 17 secs
accessibility, android, apps, brail, inclusive, inclusive design, ios, seeing ai, touch, uwp, visual studio, windows, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We got to sit down with the legendary Saqib Shaikh, Team lead for Seeing AI, to talk about creating inclusive software for everyone. Saqib also shared insights into how Seeing AI was created and where it is going next.
Merge Conflict 98: Machine Learning for Space Exploration with Paige Bailey
May 21st, 2018 | 41 mins 49 secs
ai, android, computers, data analytics, ios, machine learning, pluto, programming, python, r, space, space travel, star trek, uwp, west world, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We sit down with the world famous Paige Bailey to discuss the state of machine learning and its impact on space exploration as well as on the coral reef. We of course get into artificial intelligence and how it is impacting every industry out there and we let Paige fill in all the pieces.
Merge Conflict 97: GitHub + App Center = 💖
May 14th, 2018 | 42 mins 10 secs
android, app center, github, ios, microsoft build, uwp, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We are live from Microsoft Build 2018 with Nilofer Rajpurkar from App Center and Steve Winton from GitHub to discuss the new partnership between Microsoft and GitHub and how they are making mobile app developers' lives better with new integrations for continuous integration.
Merge Conflict 96: Throw Away All Architecture
May 7th, 2018 | 45 mins 59 secs
android, architecture, data, ios, mvvm, ui, ui driven development, uwp, ux, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We love architecture, but we also hate architecture... so throw it all away! This week we take a look at UI Driven Development to get stuff done! We chat on the reasons why, the positives, the negatives, and what James and Frank both have built using this approach all in very little time.