Merge Conflict
Join Frank & James for a weekly discussion on the world of technology and development including C#, F#, .NET, web, mobile, and more.
About the show
Merge Conflict is a weekly discussion with Frank and James on all things development, technology, & more. After years of being friends, Frank and James finally decided to sit down and start a podcast about their lives as mobile developers using C#, Xamarin, and .NET MAUI. Much more than just another mobile development podcast, Merge Conflict, reaches all areas of development including desktop, server, and of course mobile. They also cover fun things happening in the world of technology and gaming and whatever else happens to be on Frank's and James' minds.
Merge Conflict on social media
Merge Conflict 51: The Core Developer Experience
June 26th, 2017 | 39 mins 58 secs
.net, .net core, android,, aws, azure, c#, cli, ios, linux, server, visual studio, visual studio mac, xamarin
.NET on Linux? Yes we can with .NET Core! This week we tackle what it is like to develop for the server and the web using the new fancy Core tooling with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core.
Merge Conflict 50: We Have Standards
June 19th, 2017 | 37 mins 6 secs
.net standard, android, app store, c#, coding, devops, e3, ios, ios 11, lightning talks, microsoft, nintendo, ratings, review, standards, xamarin
It is that time again, lightning talks! We cover 6 different topics in under 30 minutes! This week we talk coding standards, documentation, E3, app reviews, and so much more!
Merge Conflict 49: The Magic of MVVM
June 12th, 2017 | 43 mins 43 secs
android, architecture, ios, mvc, mvvm, mvvmcros, mvvmlight, mvx, uwp, xamarin, xamarin.forms
We are back to talk architecture with MVVM, that is right Model-View-ViewModel, and all of the awesome stuff that comes along for the ride with the fantastic frameworks available.
Special Edition: WWDC 2017 Recap
June 8th, 2017 | 1 hr 19 mins
apple, augmented reality, imac pro, ios, ios 11, ipad pro, macbook, machine learning, macos high sierra, wwdc, wwdc 2017, xamarin, xcode 9
WWDC has come to a close and we are here to fill you in all the news from the largest Apple Developer event of the year.
Merge Conflict 48: Frank Mocks Interfaces
June 5th, 2017 | 37 mins 46 secs
.net, android, api design, architecture, c#, design time, ios, repl, sketch, windows, xamarin, xamarin live player
To create design time data or not to create design time data, that is the question? Or is it better to mock out all of your interfaces or say heck let's code straight to the API end points? We tackle these tough questions.
Merge Conflict 47: You Got Some F# in My C#
May 29th, 2017 | 54 mins
.net, android, c#, c# 7, f#, ios, language, pattern matching, tuples, visual studio, windows, xamarin
C# 7 is here! The most functional version of C# to date. This week we break down every single new feature and let you know what we love and what we think is just okay.
Merge Conflict 46: Building the Xamarin Live Player
May 22nd, 2017 | 47 mins 48 secs
.net, android, build 2017, debugging, ios, msbuild, reactive, visual studio, windows, xamarin, xamarin live player
The dream of continuous deployment and debugging your Android and iOS apps from Visual Studio with nothing more than a device is now a reality. We talk shop on what the Xamarin Live Player is and how we built it.
Merge Conflict 45: Build 2017 - No More MSBuild
May 15th, 2017 | 1 hr 1 min
.net core, .net standard, ai, android, build 2017, conference, cosmos db, embeddinator, fluent, fluent design, ios, machine learning, macos, visual studio, xamarin, xamarin live player, xaml standard
The past few days at Microsoft Build 2017 have been filled with wonderful news for .NET and Xamarin developers. We have a full recap of the event, announcements, and a few predictions.
Merge Conflict 44: I Love Callbacks
May 8th, 2017 | 41 mins 46 secs
.net, async, await, background, mobile, programming, server, task parallel library, tasks, threading, threads, tpl, xamarin
This week we tackle the TPL, that is right, the Task Parallel Library. We dive into one of our favorite features of C# and .NET, async/await programming.
Merge Conflict 43: DevOps for the Solo Developer
May 1st, 2017 | 42 mins 37 secs
android, appveyor, bitrise, continous delivery, continuous integration, devops, github, hockeyapp, ios, slack, trello, visual studio team services, vsts, windows, xamarin
DevOps, that is right Developer Operations, all the things that you don't want to do manually, so you automate them! This week we talk about build, test, and deploy for all of your mobile applications and .NET libraries.
Merge Conflict 42: Code Coverage == Quality
April 24th, 2017 | 44 mins 44 secs
acceptance testing, android, ios, nunit, tdd, test drive development, testing, ui tests, unit tests, user interface testing, web, xamarin, xunit
It's everyone's favorite topic... TESTING! That's right we tackle the world of unit testing, code coverage, user interface testing, acceptance testing, and so much more.
Merge Conflict 41: Print me up, Scotty
April 17th, 2017 | 44 mins 5 secs
3d printing, android, ios, makerbot, mobile, nintendo switch, switch, tiko, xamarin
Is 3D printing poised to change how we prototype and build parts and full machines or is it just another toy? We discuss all the pros and cons on this week's Merge Conflict.
Merge Conflict 40: Setting Expectations
April 10th, 2017 | 37 mins 34 secs
android, app development, app store promotion, certificates, developer setup, ios, keystores, promotion, settings, xamarin
It's that time again... Lightning Talks!!! This week we cover six different spanning settings, app advertising, provisioning, and more!
Merge Conflict 39: Parsing Palindromes
April 3rd, 2017 | 43 mins 52 secs
coding challenges, data structures, development, interviews, ios, linked lists, studying, xamarin, xamarin.forms
It's time to tune our developer skills by leveraging some amazing coding challenges that teach us answers to questions like exactly what are linked lists again?
Merge Conflict 38: One Library to Rule Them All
March 27th, 2017 | 53 mins 38 secs
.net, .net core, .net standard, android, core, ios, libraries, linux, macos, shared code, windows forms, wpf, xamarin, xamarin.forms
It is finally time for .NET truly to be EVERYWHERE! This week we investigate the dream of .NET Standard libraries, one library that can be shared in any .NET application.
Merge Conflict 37: TLS - How Do You EVEN
March 20th, 2017 | 51 mins 53 secs
android, http, ios, networking, ssl, tls, windows, xamarin
It's time to go down the rabbit hole of networking to investigate the ins and outs of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and how it impacts your apps.